Ranger Confrontations

Here’s a “dog attack” story. The person and his dog (both will remain anonymous) reached out to Pittwater Unleashed to try and resolve the issue with the Council. Like everything with the Council, it took forever to get a satisfactory resolution. It could have happened to any one of us. We’ll give it to you in bite size pieces. Here’s Episode 1:

“Was hoping for some advice? I’ve recently been contacted by the Animal Management section of Council who have apparently had a complaint made against my dog for “attacking” someone at North Curl Curl.

This is a completely false claim and I now have to go for an interview this Saturday about it. My dog has never, and would never, attack a person and I recall the conversation I had on the day of the complaint with a man on the beach whom I assume is the complainant. He actually complimented my dog’s behaviour and said she was a great dog! It appears he has then followed me to my car and taken my rego details to then make a false claim to Council.

The Animal Management team won’t release the details of the complaint to me before the interview so I will now be potentially blindsided by further false claims and have my on the spot responses recorded for their records. This seems a pretty unfair process and I wondered if you folks had any experience or advice you could share. Many thanks.”

Monday, August 29, 2022

Councillor Michael Gencher – Pittwater Ward, Northern Beaches Council

Please feel free to share with all dog owners in our community.

Part 2. See yesterday’s post for Part 1, tomorrow the saga continues. Pittwater Unleashed‘s response to the man who reached out to us regarding a fabricated attack by his dog.

“Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 at 17:50

This is a troubling account. It is the latest in some odd happenings which appear to coincide with the public consultation of the Review of Environmental Factors in support of the off-leash trials at Mona Vale and Palm Beach.

FYI, there was a report of an “attack” of a young child on south end of MV Beach supposedly 10 am Sunday 17 July, 2022. After much rain the preceding week, this was a sunny morning with plenty of people about at south MV off-leash area that morning. The report to Council presumably had no photos of the dog or the dog’s owner, and also it seems there was no corroborating evidence of a child having been attacked/injured. Upon taking the report, Council treated the matter as serious, and advertised a request for information from any witnesses who might have seen something. We don’t know what Council obtained by way of independent feedback from the community, though we do know of at least one person who was above the beach area at the stated time and she reported (to us and Council) that she was talking to others as she passed them and there was no talk whatsoever of a child having just been attacked by a dog on the beach.

Shortly after Council called on the public for information, the “child’s mother” contacted Council and requested that the investigation be dropped. We have no explanation for a person asking Council to stop doing that which the person had specifically asked the Council to do. It makes no sense. Unless there was a concern that a fictitious report might be exposed as such.

Council has a duty to announce that the report of the “MV attack”, about which there was much publicity and FB chatter, was withdrawn and Council is therefore unable to confirm any of the details relating to this report of an attack. Mike Gencher is calling upon Council to say something along these lines.”

Pittwater Unleashed asked Council to inform the community that the mother had withdrawn the complaint – Council never did.

Part 3. “Dog attack” fabrication saga continues. Pittwater Unleashed‘s advice when the accused is called into an “interview” with the Northern Beaches Council rangers.

“Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 at 17:50

Now, to your situation…as you interpret, it is again very odd. Our suggestion would be to absolutely comply with the request to meet, so as to demonstrate you have nothing at all to hide and that you welcome scrutiny of this patently false claim. If you were sitting in an area on the beach beyond the ‘No dogs beyond here’ sign, then admit to this, as saying something counter to interest helps them assess credibility of your account.

As for the conduct of your dog…best option is to take her with you to the meeting. We assume you are meeting at the Cromer depot? If so, just walk her inside with you. Let them see how she behaves in company. She is your best argument of having been set up ‘by another one of these nuts who are out there trying to whip up fear about the off-leash beach trials…’ (a reference like this will make sense to the rangers as they would be aware of the frantic chatter on Facebook by those who are intent on not allowing any part of any beach for families with dogs to access).

Do not be concerned about ‘on the spot responses’ as you will be recounting the truth (of no attack) and therefore nothing you say would be a problem.”

Part 1 and Part 2 were posted on Monday and Tuesday, immediately below this post.

Part 4, “Dog Attack” and now for the interview with Council rangers.

Hello Pittwater Unleashed

Hi, on the basis of Pittwater Unleashed‘s advice and some other input, I’ll be sending an advance submission reserving the right to provide supplementary information after the interview and I will also provide a written statement which I will speak to on Saturday. I’ll be sure to let you know what comes out of the interview.

Many thanks.”

On Thu, 1 Sept 2022 at 10:24, G. wrote:

Where are you up to with this?

On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 9:59 AM Pittwater Unleashed wrote:

Hi Pittwater Unleashed. Really appreciate your checking in on this. Very kind of you. I went in for what turned out to be an “on camera” interview with two rangers on Saturday September 3. Also provided a written statement denying my dog attacked anyone and explaining that during the conversation I had with the complainant, he actually praised my dog and her behaviour. I was told I would be contacted with the results of the investigation but I haven’t heard back from them yet. I will be sure to let you know how it all turns out. Once again appreciate your support throughout. Chat soon.

On Wed, 14 Sept 2022 at 10:19 G.

More tomorrow night. Extraordinary! If you’ve missed the other three episodes, scroll down.

The People v NBC rangers: Part 5 of fabricated “dog attack”

That is extraordinary to hear the meeting was so formal! We are highly attuned to the behaviour of the rangers. Our advocacy on behalf of two residents of Clareville and Avalon led to a ranger being sacked. These were not isolated incidences, but a reflection of team culture. Our direct contact, i.e., meetings with rangers, has been very respectful, but we have not been in your situation.

Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 12:04 PM Pittwater Unleashed

“On Wed, 14 Sept 2022 at 12:24, G. wrote:

The interview was conducted professionally, but yes it was a very formal process. They came downstairs after the interview to meet Rosie where they checked her registration chip. Rosie was perfectly behaved as usual and very happy to meet them as she is with everyone.”


“On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 3:41 pm, Pittwater Unleashed wrote:

Hi, has anything more come of this? Were you and your pup exonerated? Just going through old emails. We have a new Acting Ranger Manager and there has been some ranger activity on the beaches last week. So we’re just curious. Hope everything turned out well for you. We will be meeting the rangers sometime in the future and hope to assess what the new culture is going to look like. All the best.”

“November 9, 2023 at 1543, from G.

I have had no further correspondence regarding the case despite reaching out to the ranger who conducted the interview. No idea where it ended up or whether any record remains against my dog’s name. After the meeting at Warriewood I heard nothing else. It was very strange.

If you think it’s worthwhile, sure, follow through! I’m assuming it’s gone away but can’t be sure. The meeting was at Warriewood. Interview was in September 2022. I followed up via text in January.”

“On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 3:45 pm, Pittwater Unleashed:

We think that if it was fabricated or if there was any doubt, you need to know that you and your dog have a clean slate.”

Final episode tomorrow. Will G. and R. be exonerated?”

Episode 6 – the Conclusion of the fabricated “dog attack.”

“On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 at 8:37 pm, Pittwater Unleashed to G.:

We have prepared a document to be sent to Council – just a history of this case, a copy of the emails, to find out why they have not resolved the issue. But we thought that we had better check to make sure that you have not heard back from Council. Sorry that we have been so tardy.”

“G. to Pittwater Unleashed, February 27, 2024 at 2350

Hi there, nice to hear from you again. No, no further correspondence on the matter, still left in the dark about the outcome.”

“Pittwater Unleashed to G., Mon, 8 April, 2024 at 10:34 pm,

We are just sending an email to the Council about other matters and just checking to see if you have heard back from the Council.”

“G. to Pittwater Unleashed, Tuesday, 9 April, 2024 at 07:23

Yes, they rang me a few weeks ago and said they found there was nothing recorded against my dog, along the line of there was insufficient evidence for the case to go forward.

I found it quite odd that it took nearly TWO YEARS to reach that outcome. Anyway thank you for following up on my behalf.

Apart from anything else it’s good to know there is no permanent record against her. She’s such a sweet girl and it’s awful to think she may have been wrongly accused. Thanks again.”

“On Tuesday, 9 April, 2024 at 7:50 pm, Pittwater Unleashed to G.

Wow, what a saga. The new Acting Manager helped by pushing the matter in the right direction and we finally got to the bottom of it. If we had not pursued it, you’d still be wondering. How wrong, how immoral – two years. How unprofessional can a Council get? Do you mind if we post your experience on Pittwater Unleashed? We won’t use your name nor that of your dog but it’s important to have it on record and make sure it does not happen to anyone else and that there is some community awareness.

It’s a good outcome.”

“Tuesday, April 9, 2024, G. to Pittwater Unleashed

Sure that’s fine, no need for our names to be involved.

It’s worth people knowing there are people out there that don’t care whom they accuse so long as it fits their agenda. Thanks again.”

FOOTNOTE: There are some professional people in the Council in spite of how this reads. We have a new Acting Manager for Parks and Recreation who has helped to get answers for us with a number other issues. When thanked, he simply said, “It’s my job to listen”. Woof to that!